Lógica Digital é a disciplica que introduz a base para qualquer conceito relacionado a circuitos digitais. O curso todo foi baseado no livro que se encontra nas referências dessa nota. As notas estão organizadas de acordo com os capítulos e seções do livro.

Chapter 1

This chapter introduces the process of designing digital circuits, as well as the digital representation of information.

Chapter 2

This chapter is where things really start, it introduces the fundamental concepts to design digital circuits:
Logic functions
Boolean algebra
Logic synthesis
Introduction to Verilog

Chapter 3 (sections 3.1 to 3.5)

This chapter presents the topics involving arithmetic circuits and operations:
Positional number representation
Arithmetic logic circuits
Arithmetic circuits in Verilog
Representation of numbers in Verilog

Chapter 4

This chapter presents some interesting combinational circuits:
Encoders and decoders

Chapter 5

Here we were introduced to circuits that can store information, these circuits are called sequential circuits. We also were introduced to the different elements that are used to store information:
Implementation of storage in Verilog
Non-blocking assignments
Timing analysis

Chapter 6

In this chapter we continue to explore the sequential circuits, learning more formal ways of describing those circuits and new design techniques.
Finite state machines
State diagram and table
Designing sequential circuits
Finite state machines in Verilog
State minimization

Chapter 7

In the final chapter covered by the course, we are presented to some more aspects of digital systems.
Bus structure