
I’m Luís, a software developer living in Brasil 🇧🇷.I’m very passionate about a lot of things, some of them are:

  • Custom keyboards
  • Text editors
  • My computer environment (you can check my dotfiles if you want)
  • Developer tooling in general
  • Getting better at stuff
  • Learn more about linguistics and philosophy

This website is meant to be a place to share a few things, mostly through my blog posts. This page is mostly a resume of my professional experience and education. If you want to get in touch or discuss anything you can email me at luissimas@protonmail.com.

Professional experience Link to heading

Cloud developer, Luizalabs (Magalu Cloud) (2024-Present) Link to heading

I’m currently working at Luizalabs building Magalu Cloud: the first brazilian public cloud with multiple data centers. This was big change for me in both work environment but also in the work itself. Although still a developer, now I’m exposed to a wider range of topics that go from underlying hardware infrastructure to end-user product building.

Software developer freelancer, Upwork (2023-Present) Link to heading

In 2023 I started to work on a few projects sporadically as a freelancer. I felt that I needed more experience dealing directly with clients. Overall it’s been a great experienced, I’ve done a few tools and migrations from services and databases. It’s a very rewarding feeling to be able to deliver value by means of a complete project and get feedback directly from the client.

Back-end developer, Liven Tech (2022-2024) Link to heading

Liven is a software house in São Carlos, Brasil. Their clients range from startups to big companies in a variety of domains.

As a back-end developer at Liven I’ve started working mostly in the development of REST APIs in Node.js using Typescript and Clean Architecture. I also did a lot of work on telecom platforms in both Python and Node.js. It was here that I discovered that I really liked working with infrastructure and application monitoring, using mostly Prometheus and Grafana. Besides that, I did some work on load testing with Grafana K6 and optimizing performance in Python applications.

Furthermore, my time at the company has enriched my experience with Scrum practices, which are mostly applied in a small squad working on a project with constant change and development of requirements.

The work environment enabled me to start a functional programming study group with my coworkers. Together we developed an internal tool using Elixir and Phoenix LiveView. That was probably the experienced that sparkled my interest in developing internal tools.

Software developer, CATI Jr (2021-2023) Link to heading

In the beginning of my graduation I’ve joined a junior enterprise focused on building software solutions for local businesses called CATI Jr. The bulk of my work consisted in the development of REST APIs in Node.js, which introduced me to project management, patterns, documentation and Scum practices.

At CATI Jr we had a recurring problem of low knowledge retention on the company. We managed to collaborate on the improvement of both internal documentation and company culture of sharing knowledge.

Education Link to heading

Pragmatic Studio Courses (2023-2024) Link to heading

I took two great courses on Pragmatic Studio focusing on Elixir/OTP and Phoenix LiveView. With these courses I was able to fully grasp the core concepts in Elixir and OTP and develop a series of interactive UIs using Phoenix Liveview.

You can check out my certificates of conclusion at my alumni page.

Introduction to Functional Programming (2021) Link to heading

I’ve attended to a UTFPR extracurricular course open to the community in which I had the opportunity to met people from different countries and learn a lot about the foundations of functional programming.

During this course I’ve implemented a method of proving classical logic arguments know as Analytic Tableaux using Elixir, including a simple propositional logic parser using the Erlang libraries leex and yecc.

Besides that, I’ve presented a talk about the basics of OCaml and the joy of working with algebraic data types and pattern matching on a statically typed language.

Computer Science bachelor (2020-Present) Link to heading

I’m currently a undergraduate student in computer science, actively engaging in extracurricular activities and extension groups. It’s also been a great opportunity to learn more about other areas that I’m interested in, mostly logic and mathematics.

High School & Technical Certification (2017-2019) Link to heading

I’ve attended to a high school that included an integrated technical course on software development. During this period I had the opportunity not only to build solid technical foundations, but also to engage in extracurricular activities, mostly in cultural events.